We also talk about what Ukrainians order the most, and how their preferences have changed in just one year
2020 was a year of the rapid increase in food delivery services; it's one of many effects of the coronavirus pandemic, lockdown, and quarantine. When restaurants and cafes operate only for takeaway orders, and social distancing dictates to limit moving around, we've got really few options: ordering restaurant food at home. Obviously, everyone remembers that when the streets of the capital were swept last March, more bright backpacks with the Raketa and Glovo logos were appearing. Today, another service has joined the two largest delivery services in Ukraine.
Currently, there's no doubt that 2021 will continue the trends of its predecessor. We spoke with Ihor Shramko, a regional manager of Bolt that recently became a new player in food delivery in Ukraine, launching Bolt Food. How one can turn quarantine into an opportunity, how food delivery will develop in our country, and what Ukrainians order the most, read further in an exclusive interview.
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