In Handy

Stray animals: Ukraine is in the top 10. What to do and why shelters aren’t always the way out

Here's what to do if you find a stray animal that needs help, and why saving one animal will actually save two. A volunteer shares useful tips for World Stray Animals Day on August 21.

Tens of thousands of cats and dogs live in Ukrainian animal shelters. In general, many more hungry animals, roaming the streets of our cities and towns, don't have homes. The exact total number of Ukrainian homeless animals is currently unknown. Homeless and domestic animals are counted only in some cities, but in 2017, according to the Washington Post, there were about 7.5 million stray cats and dogs in Ukraine. We are among the top ten countries in the world in terms of the largest number of animals, including homeless ones.

The fate of stray animals is a test of the maturity of each country. And, as those who take care of animals say, Ukraine has almost failed this test. Almost. This year Ukraine still took the first significant step: the other day the President of Ukraine signed a law passed by the Verkhovna Rada on implementing EU standards for the humane treatment of animals in Ukraine. Animal rights activists believe that the long-awaited law on animal protection gives Ukraine a chance to finally get closer to civilization.

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