Solutions from Ukraine: Enjoying Life Foundation seeks individuals 50+ for Adult Intern Week program

The Enjoying Life Charity Foundation is launching an annual Adult Intern Week project to help adults find work. More than 50 employer companies have already joined the initiative.

Rubryka reports this with reference to the Enjoying Life Charity Foundation.

What is the problem?

Many Ukrainians over 50 encounter age discrimination in the job market. Despite extensive experience and a strong desire to work, they often struggle to secure employment or internships. Meanwhile, numerous businesses are willing to hire mature professionals, but no platform would help them meet.

What is the solution?

The Enjoying Life Charity Foundation is launching Adult Intern Week as part of the "Trudoliub" project—an initiative for people aged 50+ who want to return to active professional life. The initiative helps them find internships or jobs in Ukrainian companies that support the idea that "age does not matter."

How does it work?

From March 17 to 28,  Enjoying Life accepts applications for adult job seekers. People aged 50+ can fill out a questionnaire, go through the selection process, and get a chance at a free internship at partner companies. Participants receive support from the  Enjoying Life team, and after completing the internship, they can continue working at the employer's company permanently.

"Trudoliub" is a project that has assisted individuals over 50 in finding employment, adapting to the modern labor market, and changing careers since 2018. It collaborates with companies and experts to boost older individuals' confidence in their abilities and career growth.

The team's mission is to destroy ageism, show the potential of older people, and create an equal society.

One can apply via the link.

For reference:

Following the previous Adult Intern Week, the foundation highlighted that today's retirement and pre-retirement-age individuals defy common stereotypes. They are active, effective employees who are modern, responsible, and engaged employees, bringing both professional and life experience to the table.

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