На виставці Ганни Гороженко "Лицарка корони", 2020рік.. Фото: Музей книги і друкарства України
Valentyna Bochkovska shared the news on Facebook, writing: "Yesterday we received wonderful news from the International Gutenberg Society, which will celebrate its 125th anniversary next year, that we have acquired full membership in this respected society."
As a result of this membership, employees of the Ukrainian museum will now be able to:
The International Gutenberg Society is an association dedicated to the study of the history and development of printing technology and written media. Founded on June 23, 1901, in Mainz, the society has become a key institution in this field. The international association, with ties to the cities of Mainz and Leipzig, awards the prestigious Gutenberg Prize of €10,000 for exceptional artistic, technical, or scientific achievements in the field of printing.
What is known about the Ukrainian Museum
The Museum of Books and Printing of Ukraine is housed in an ancient monastery printing house located within the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. The museum showcases exhibitions that trace the history of Ukrainian book culture, spanning from the early times of Kyivan Rus to the present day.
Museum staff actively engage in scientific conferences and organize cultural events to honor notable Ukrainian figures. Those interested can also explore the museum through virtual tours available on the "Museum Portal" website.
In 2024, Valentyna Bochkovskaya was awarded the Gutenberg Prize for her remarkable contribution to preserving Ukraine's cultural heritage during the war.
In another notable event, Viktor Golikov held his first exhibition, "Grain Portal," in his hometown of Lutsk. The conceptual photography exhibition aimed to raise funds for the 109th Donetsk TRO brigade, in which he serves. In just five hours, the event raised almost $1,2oo for the brigade's needs.
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