Solutions to win: National Guard receives new radiation, chemical, and biological protection equipment samples

The National Guard of Ukraine has received initial samples of new equipment designed to protect military gear from radiation, chemicals, and biological agents and to decontaminate specific areas of terrain.

The National Guard reported this on Facebook.

What is the problem?

The National Guard noted that they are constantly working to strengthen units' combat support capabilities, particularly those with specialized equipment.

"Taking a comprehensive and integrated approach, one focuses on equipping and modernizing CBRN protection. This has a practical component at the front, as well as the National Guard's role in safeguarding essential state facilities and critical infrastructure.

Being able to operate effectively under such conditions and having the right technical resources is crucial for the success of these tasks," the message says.

What is the solution?

In 2024, the National Guard initiated efforts to replace the outdated ARS-14 auto-filling stations, initially developed in the 1960s on the ZiL-131 platform, with the latest domestically produced models.

"The first samples of equipment designed for degassing, decontamination, disinfection of weapons and military equipment, degassing and disinfection of individual terrain areas and roads with liquid solutions have already arrived at the National Guard," the National Guard emphasized.

Photo: Facebook / National Guard

How does it work?

This new ARS is mounted on a MAN all-wheel drive vehicle with a 6×6 wheel configuration. It has a tank capacity of over 5,000 liters, double that of the ARS-14.

It also allows for the deployment of six workstations, which doubles the productivity of special equipment processing compared to the ARS-14.

The following functions have been additionally implemented:

  • heating the solution in the tank and heating in the pump compartment,
  • external lighting of workstations.

Photo: Facebook / National Guard

This capability enables the execution of tasks irrespective of sub-zero temperatures and low-light conditions.

"The production of a modern ARS was carried out in close cooperation with our specialists. The National Guard developed the technical specifications based on this sample's creation.

The station is equipped with all the necessary sensors and controls, which allows even one operator to control its operation," the National Guard emphasized.

Subsequently, these samples will undergo the necessary additional testing with the National Guard to facilitate further refinement and improvements.

For reference:

In 2024, the Ministry of Defense approved the use of over 1,300 units of weaponry and military equipment, of which nearly 75% were manufactured domestically.

In particular, in 2024, the Ministry of Defense codified and authorized the use of over 200 motor vehicle models.

In 2024, the Ministry of Defense approved and authorized nearly 30 models of motor vehicles for use in Ukraine's armed forces.

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