Photo: Facebook / Volodymyr Popereshniuk
The company's co-owner Volodymyr Popereshniuk reported that.
What is the solution?
The removal of VAT on energy equipment imports was vital to successfully completing this project. This allowed Nova Poshta to initiate its energy program.
"The key to increasing investments in our energy independence was, among other things, the abolition of VAT on the import of energy equipment. We were able to launch our energy program, develop renewable energy sources, and reduce consumption from the general power grid," Popereshniuk said.
How does it work?
The system covers an area of 5,000 square meters.
According to the company's co-owner, the project worth 14 million hryvnias should pay for itself within three years.
Photo: Facebook / Volodymyr Popereshniuk
Shortly, the company plans to install:
Photo: Facebook / Volodymyr Popereshniuk
Photo: Facebook / Volodymyr Popereshniuk
For reference:
As of the start of 2024, the Nova Poshta network had 27,050 service points. In the first half of the year, the company added 12,100 new branches and 18,000 postal ATMs to its network. By the end of the year, Nova Poshta aims to have 36,000 service points.
In January-September 2024, the company received UAH 30.81 billion in revenue, 19.7% more than in the same period in 2023. However, net profit decreased by 49%, amounting to UAH 1.65 billion.
During its first year of operation in Europe, Nova Poshta delivered 1.3 million parcels. In total, the company made 412 million shipments in 2024, 30% more than in 2022.
It should be noted that from now on, customers of Nova Post, the European brand operating under Nova Poshta, can conveniently and swiftly send and receive parcels via InPost post machines in all regions of the United Kingdom, including Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.
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