Solutions from Ukraine: Vinnytsia families decorate Christmas tree behind bars to remind of POWs in Russian captivity

Relatives of imprisoned service members in Vinnytsia organized the "Holiday without a Holiday" memorial event by setting up a New Year tree behind bars on Saturday, December 28.

Ukrinform reported that.

Photo: Ukrinform / Oleksandr Lapin

"We are holding a peaceful memorial action, "Holiday without a Holiday." We want to remind society these days about our loved ones – sons, brothers, husbands – prisoners of war, and missing persons, for whom there are no holidays.

And about their relatives, who also do not celebrate because they are waiting," the co-organizer of the action, the wife of a prisoner of war defender, Kateryna Pozniakova, said.

Photo: Ukrinform / Oleksandr Lapin

According to her, the "Holiday without a Holiday" action is held in a performance format.

Photo: Ukrinform / Oleksandr Lapin

The event organizers installed a Christmas tree behind bars on European Square in the center of Vinnytsia.

This Christmas tree symbolizes the conditions in which their relatives, prisoners of war, spend Christmas and New Year holidays.

Photo: Ukrinform / Oleksandr Lapin

Photo: Ukrinform / Oleksandr Lapin

The organizers of the event decorated the barred Christmas tree with white Christmas toys – balls painted with:

  • the names of the prisoners,
  • the wishes of their relatives,
  • portraits of those who are in enemy captivity.

Photo: Ukrinform / Oleksandr Lapin

Under the tree, they put symbolic gift boxes in which they collected the written dreams and hopes of the families of the prisoners and missing defenders.

Photo: Ukrinform / Oleksandr Lapin

Photo: Ukrinform / Oleksandr Lapin

For reference:

Last Sunday, December 15, the "Don't be silent. Captivity kills" campaign occurred in Odesa. As part of the event, a Christmas tree was set up and adorned with balls featuring the call signs of Ukrainian soldiers who are currently in captivity or missing.

On December 21, Ukrainian carols were heard on the streets of Lisbon. For the third year in a row, the Ukrainian carol procession brought together the community, city visitors, and supporters of Ukrainian culture.

This year's event aimed not only at popularizing ancient traditions but also at supporting those who need the most attention now. In particular, the campaign was dedicated to the Ukrainian defenders in Russian captivity: #FreeUkrainianDefenders.

The 25th separate airborne Sicheslav brigade of Ukraine's Airborne Assault Forces, which belongs to the country's armed forces, erected a metal "Christmas tree" by the Donetsk stele and adorned it with patriotic ribbons. The paratroopers constructed the piece using reinforcement and cartridges.

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