Фото: Фейсбук / Генеральний штаб ЗСУ
Rubryka reports, citing the Facebook page of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The military command emphasized that the 1954 Hague Convention is a foundational international agreement governing the protection of cultural property during armed conflicts. It was the first universal treaty addressing this issue. Ukraine ratified the Convention's First Protocol in 1956 and its Second Protocol in 2020.
According to the General Staff, the creation of this specialized unit aligns with the implementation of Article 7, Part Two of the Hague Convention. This provision obligates states to ensure the safeguarding of cultural property, even under extraordinary circumstances.
Photo: Facebook page of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
The decision to establish the specialized unit was approved by Ukraine's Minister of Defense and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces following consultations with international partners, the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications, and the public. The unit will function as part of the civil-military cooperation structure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
According to the military, the unit will be staffed by servicemen with specialized education and experience in fields such as culture, archaeology, history, and museum work. The unit's primary responsibilities include:
Photo: Facebook page of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
"This initiative is yet another demonstration of Ukraine's adherence to international law, its commitment to fulfilling obligations, and its proactive use of all available mechanisms and tools to protect and preserve cultural values during armed conflict," the General Staff emphasized.
It is worth noting that Ukraine is also implementing the "Preserve Your Identity" project, which aims to help young people explore their genealogy and heritage.
Additionally, on December 11, during the 19th meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, the Babyn Yar National Historical and Memorial Reserve and the Odessa Literary Museum were granted enhanced protection status under the 1954 Hague Convention and its Second Protocol of 1999.
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