The Norwegian Ministry of Defense announced this, according to Polish Radio.
It is noted that the NATO mission will last until Easter.
In addition to fighter jets and air defense systems, 100 Norwegian military personnel have arrived in Poland to ensure the safe transport of equipment to Ukraine through the hub in Rzeszow.
"We are here to protect critical infrastructure that is key to international support provided to Ukraine," said the commander of the Norwegian contingent, Lieutenant Colonel Erlend Hammervik-Elvenes.
It is worth noting that the Norwegian government, on Monday, December 2, promised to deploy F-35 fighters and NASAMS air defense systems to Poland to protect the key hub of aid to Ukraine in Rzeszow.
On the evening of December 6, the Finlandia Seaways vessel carrying Norwegian air defense equipment ran aground in the Karmsund Strait near Haugesund, Norway. Fortunately, they were able to make it to their destination on a replacement ship.
In January, German Patriot complexes will also be deployed to Poland to strengthen the defense of Rzeszow.
For reference:
Last year, Norway approved the 75 billion Norwegian kroner Nansen program, which provides long-term support to Ukraine until 2027, with 15 billion Norwegian kroner annually.
Earlier, it became known that Norway would allocate $118.8 mln to purchase necessary equipment and weapons for F-16 aircraft. Ukraine will receive the first fighters by the end of this year.
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