
Kyiv unveils world’s second Global Government Technology Centre

The World Economic Forum inaugurated the Global Government Technology Centre (GGTC Kyiv) in Kyiv, making it the second GovTech hub globally, following Berlin.

The Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Education, Science, and Technology – Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Mykhailo Fedorov, announced this.

"The GovTech center will unite the government, business, startups, and scientists to search for new digital solutions and create joint projects with international partners, exchange experience," the report says.

The GovTech center will serve as a hub for monitoring worldwide GovTech patterns and conducting research and analysis. Additionally, it will assist in connecting with partners specializing in innovative areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Education Technology, Defense Technology, Semiconductors, Biotechnology, Green Technology, and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.

In this program, government leaders will receive training on integrating cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence. In collaboration with CDTO Campus, the center will provide a platform for leaders to experiment with and adopt digital solutions.

It is expected that through cooperation with international partners, Ukrainian startups will be able to exchange experiences and accelerate digital reforms in the public sector worldwide.

"The center in Ukraine will support our global efforts to unlock the huge potential of digital technologies to improve public services and create new opportunities. It will become a catalyst for cooperation between the public and private sectors, promoting the development of digital technologies and innovations at such a critical time for Ukraine and Europe," said Mirek Duszek, Managing Director of the World Economic Forum.

GGTC Kyiv's main directions:

  • GovTech Observatory is a platform for tracking global and national trends in GovTech. Thanks to cutting-edge research, user-friendly tools, and partnerships with international experts, the Observatory will become a place for knowledge exchange and the development of data-based policies.
  • Innovation Gateway is a platform for finding partners and piloting and scaling technologies in Ukraine with global investment. Uniting key Centers in AI, EdTech, Defense Tech, Semiconductors, BioTech, Green Tech, AUV, and others, GGTC Kyiv will demonstrate Ukraine's innovative potential.
  • FutureGov Education is a training platform designed for public sector leaders to incorporate the latest technologies, such as digital twins and artificial intelligence. In collaboration with CDTO Campus, the center will provide a space for leaders from various countries to try and implement promising digital solutions.

GGTC Kyiv is headed by Zoia Lytvyn, a social entrepreneur and innovation leader actively implementing digital transformation in education. She is a member of The Young Global Leaders Community, initiated by the World Economic Forum, and is also among the hundred most influential women in Ukraine.

GGTC Kyiv was established at the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine within the framework of the EGAP Program, implemented by the Eastern Europe Foundation with the funds of Switzerland. The Foundation has become an implementing partner supporting the center's activities through strategic cooperation with the Government of Switzerland. With 10 years of experience in implementing the flagship EGAP Program in the field of digital transformation and sustainable development, the Foundation shares the expertise. It provides the necessary infrastructure to achieve the goals of the Center.

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