Zaporizhzhia unveils first underground school for 1,000 students

In Zaporizhzhia, a new school was constructed in six months, situated seven meters below ground level. The facility is designed to accommodate one thousand students in two separate shifts.

The Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration reported this.

What is the solution?

"My shelter is my stronghold" – a sign with this name is at the entrance of the first "underground" school in the Zaporizhzhia region.

This school was built in six months. The institution will accommodate a thousand students in two shifts.

The institution has 16 classrooms equipped with interactive boards and adjustable desks, catering to each child's height. The builders dedicated themselves to this project, working seven days a week and even around the clock at times.

The educational space was also equipped with:

  • ventilation;
  • automatic fire alarm;
  • emergency lighting;
  • sanitary and technical rooms;
  • wardrobe;
  • recreation areas.

Photo: Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration's YouTube channel

How does it work?

The school provides a safe, comfortable environment with everything needed for a top-notch education for children. This was evident to parents and juvenile police officers during their tour of the "underground" school.

Director Liudmyla greets parents and law enforcement officers as they arrive at the shelter. She then guides them to the cloakroom and through wide corridors.

Photo: Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration

"Our location, 7 meters below ground level, offers a high level of security. Our underground school features 16 modern classrooms equipped with interactive boards and adjustable desks to accommodate students of all heights. We have excellent ventilation, clean facilities, and a designated area for children to relax and play. During recess, students can engage in activities such as chess, tennis, or some physical activities called "ruhanka".

Our school also caters to students with special educational needs, with Braille signage and a designated lift. We have the capacity to accommodate 1,000 students in two shifts," says school director Liudmyla.

The parents who went on the tour were pleased with what they saw.

"Initially, I was hesitant about enrolling my child to study here. However, my first impression of the "underground school" was that it was a safe environment. I was impressed by the interactive board, as it indicates a high level of educational organization. I believe my child will find it engaging and interesting in class. Additionally, the classrooms are modern, well-maintained, and clean," Oksana mentioned. Her father, sister and she had all studied at this school, and now her son is in third grade.

Juvenile police officers who came for a tour of the "underground" school paid attention, first of all, to compliance with safety standards.

The school has an automatic fire alarm system, emergency lighting system, and fire alarm system, as well as the necessary number of fire extinguishers.

Photo: Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration

"Children's safety is above all. That's why we wanted to get acquainted with this educational institution and personally see for ourselves. We plan to continue working at the school every week – to study the rules of safe behavior with children," said Olha Zinchenko, head of the juvenile prevention department of the Main Police Department in Zaporizhzhia region.

For reference:

The underground educational space project was prepared with funds from UNICEF in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The government allocated about 80 million UAH for the construction of the school, and another 34 million was financed from the city budget.

In Zaporizhzhia, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky attended the first classes in a modern underground school, where 1,000 children can safely study in two shifts.

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