United to win: US State Department approves $266 mln contract to maintain Ukrainian F-16s

The US State Department has approved a contract totaling over $266 million to provide equipment and services to maintain Ukrainian F-16 jets.

The Office of Military Cooperation of the US Department of Defense reports this.

The Ukrainian government has requested the purchase of certain equipment, software, and aircraft maintenance and repair services.

  • among the items approved in the contract:
  • joint Mission Planning System (JMPS);
  • simple Key Loaders (SKL) AN/PYQ-10;
  • minor modifications and technical support;
  • engine Component Improvement Program (CIP);
  • spare and repair parts, consumables, and accessories;
  • repair and return support;
  • weapons software, weapons software support equipment, and classified and unclassified software and delivery support;
  • classified and unclassified publications and documentation;
  • personnel training and training equipment, research, and inspections;
  • eineering and technical services to the US government;
  • repair and maintenance services for F-16, F-17, F-18, and F-20 aircraft, as well as other engineering, technical, and logistical services to the US government and contractors.

The agreement aims to strengthen Ukraine's ability to respond to current and future threats by strengthening its air defense. As noted in the statement, these measures support the United States' foreign policy goals and national interests, which are aimed at increasing the security of partners in Europe.

The contract is being implemented by:

  • Sabena (Belgium),
  • Lockheed Martin Aeronautics from Texas (USA),
  • Pratt and Whitney from Connecticut (USA).

The implementation of the agreement will not require the presence of additional US representatives in Ukraine and will not affect the United States's defense capabilities.

The State Department emphasized that this sale will not change the basic military balance in the region but will significantly improve Ukraine's defense capabilities, allowing it to counter threats more effectively.

For reference:

Earlier, the administration of US President Joe Biden allowed the sending of American military contractors to Ukraine to maintain and repair equipment provided to Ukraine's armed forces.

Previously, US military equipment damaged during hostilities had to be exported from Ukraine to Poland, Romania, or other NATO countries for repair, which required additional time.

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