Ukrinform reported that.
According to Canadian Defense Minister Bill Blair, the allocated funds will be directed to:
In addition to military support, the document provides for:
It is worth noting that the opposition Conservative Party of Canada, which advocates for the current government's resignation, voted against this budget document. However, the allocation of funds was approved on the last possible day allowed by law. For the final entry into force, the decision must be approved by the Senate of Canada, which is expected shortly.
For reference:
Since February 2022, Canada has already provided Ukraine with $5.4 billion in budget assistance, the highest figure in the world in terms of per capita.
Canada has expanded the list of prohibited weapons and is considering the possibility of transferring specific seized models to the Ukrainian military.
The American-made NASAMS air defense system, which the Canadian government helped to purchase, has already been delivered to Ukraine.
Also, as a leading country in the Coalition to Strengthen the Potential of the Ukrainian Air Force, Canada has committed to training Ukrainian pilots for the next five years.
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