This is stated in a DOT press release.
What is the solution?
As noted in the department, this solution is based on the successful implementation of the DOT-Chain system, which significantly shortened the food supply cycle for the armed forces by 4 times.
"DOT-Chain is developing very quickly and scaling its potential. Even at the launch stage, I said that in the future, this system will be able to deal not only with food supply orders. And this future has already come.
Thanks to DOT-Chain, it will be possible to quickly deliver drones to where the military needs them. And in the quantities that are really needed," Kateryna Chernohorenko, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization, said.
Digitalization will make the process much more transparent, and deliveries will be faster.
How does it work?
The DOT-Chain Defense module, launching in the first half of 2025, will facilitate direct communication between UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) manufacturers, suppliers of electronic warfare and defense systems, NRCs (National Response Centers) and NSCs (National Security Centers), the State Logistics Operator, and the military as the end user.
Main stages:
The system provides for direct interaction between the military, manufacturers, suppliers, and the state operator.
DOT–Chain Defense helps manufacturers gain a thorough understanding of what Ukraine's armed forces require. This will enhance order predictability, allow for production to be scaled up, and improve the quality and speed of product manufacturing.
"The introduction of DOT-Chain Defense will not only enhance our defenders' speedy and top-notch supply with drones, electronic warfare and reconnaissance equipment, ground robotic systems, and ground control stations. It will also enable local manufacturers to boost production levels by clearly understanding the military's actual demands and using order information to develop specific areas," Alyona Zhuzha, IT advisor at DOT, comments.
The implementation of DOT-Chain Defense will have the following key advantages:
For reference:
It should be noted that the Ministry of Defense's State Logistics Operator is purchasing reinforced daily field sets of product No. 15 for military personnel for the first time.
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