Ukrainian entrepreneurs get boost with new business club in Norway

A Norwegian Association of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, SMB Norway, has launched a Ukrainian Business Club in Norway to promote and advocate for Ukrainian production in the country.

The Embassy of Ukraine in Norway reported that.

What is the solution?

During the first meeting, the Ukrainian Charge d'Affaires in Norway, Ihor Holovchenko, stressed the significance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for the Ukrainian economy. He highlighted that SMEs act as catalysts for progress, readily adjusting and generating fresh ideas.

Therefore, the new platform will support Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises in Norway and Norwegian companies interested in cooperating with Ukraine.

How does it work?

The main goals of the club:

  • promoting business development through expert support and consultations;
  • establishing contacts between entrepreneurs of both countries;
  • popularizing trade and economic cooperation between Ukraine and Norway.

Photo: Facebook / Embassy of Ukraine in Norway

Also, during the meeting, the following key issues were also discussed:

  • development of trade between Ukraine and Norway;
  • mechanisms for combating corruption;
  • possibilities of military risk insurance for companies.

This club creates new opportunities for entrepreneurs from Ukraine and Norway, opens up prospects for exchanging experience, and promotes the economic development of both countries.

For reference:

It's worth mentioning that in Irpin, Kyiv region, the "Funny Owls" eco-studio, established by former serviceman Andrii Smyk, stands out among the initiatives created by war veterans. This studio serves as a workshop where they craft wooden toys, kitchen utensils, organizers, and other environmentally friendly products.

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