Eco-solutions: Kyiv region uses recycled construction waste to repair roads

Due to the extensive devastation from the war, the Makariv community in the Kyiv region is actively adopting a creative method for restoration, utilizing recycled building materials in road repairs.

The head of the community, Vadym Tokar, reported that.

What is the solution?

According to the community head, construction waste is being converted into new resources thanks to a modern complex provided by international donors operating in Borodianka.

How does it work?

Tokar notes that the system involves:

  • sorting,
  • recycling,
  • reusing construction waste.

Photo: Telegram / Vadym Tokar / Makariv community leader

"This allows us to create a closed loop of resource use and reduce dependence on primary raw materials," he emphasized.

Recycled materials are already being used to repair roads, reducing the need for primary raw materials.

Photo: Telegram / Vadym Tokar / Makariv community leader

Photo: Telegram / Vadym Tokar / Makariv community leader

"The raw materials obtained as a result of processing are already finding their application. In particular, we use it to arrange current road repairs," the head of the community emphasized.

For reference:

It is worth adding that during the 1,000 days of war, the environmental damage caused by military actions is estimated at approximately $71 billion. As a result of shelling and forest fires, an additional 180 million tons of carbon dioxide were released into the atmosphere.

As Rubryka wrote, Russia's aggression leaves behind a huge amount of destruction – tens of millions of tons of construction waste, which is turning into an additional burden on the environment and the Ukrainian economy. World Bank estimates that Ukraine will need approximately $400 billion to restore the destroyed areas, more than twice Ukraine's GDP in 2022.

The S3 Project, also known as the Safe, Sustainable, and Swift Reconstruction of Ukraine, aims to revolutionize the way concrete construction waste is utilized during the rebuilding process. By working with organizations from Britain and the Netherlands, teams from Ukraine will turn leftover concrete debris from the war into high-quality building materials. You can read more about this initiative in Rubryka's article, "Rebuilding Green: UK and Ukraine Join Forces to Convert War Rubble into Eco-friendly Building Materials."

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