Rubryka reports this with reference to Radio Prague International.
Mayor Petr Ryška stated that these assistants would help build stronger connections between the police and Jihlava's sizeable Ukrainian community, fostering greater trust in law enforcement.
"We currently have four Roma assistants and are looking to add two Ukrainians," Ryška explained.
To support this initiative, the city intends to seek funding for the new positions. If suitable candidates are identified, the mayor suggested they could begin work as early as spring.
Jihlava, with a population of 50,000, is home to approximately 7,000 Ukrainians. "There is a significant diaspora here, and we face certain challenges. We hope this initiative will help bridge the gap," Ryška said.
The mayor also emphasized that a candidate's length of residency in the city is less important than their ability to contribute effectively. "What matters most is finding the best candidate to help us," he noted.
As Radio Prague International clarified, crime prevention assistants collaborate with police officers to maintain public order and promote adherence to the law.
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