Ukrainian servicewomen honored with UK Women in Defence Award for the first time

The British Ambassador to Ukraine, Martin Harris, has presented the prestigious UK Women in Defence award to Ukrainian servicewomen, honoring their contributions to defending their country and upholding European values.

Rubryka reports this, citing a post on the Facebook page of the British Embassy in Ukraine.

The UK Women in Defence organization, which annually recognizes women for their contributions to the defense of the United Kingdom, expanded its scope this year to include international honorees for the first time. Ukrainian servicewomen were chosen, symbolizing global recognition of their heroic resistance against Russian aggression.

The award was accepted on behalf of all Ukrainian female defenders by:

  • Colonel Liubov Kinal – Head of the Communications Department at the Air Command "Center" of the Ukrainian Air Force.
  • Major Yuliia Rynka – Senior Resident of the Resuscitation and Intensive Care Department.
  • Soldier Yana "Multyk" Zalevska – FPV drone operator with the 59th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade named after Yakov Handziuk.

During the award ceremony, British Ambassador to Ukraine Martin Harris highlighted that every Ukrainian servicewoman, regardless of gender, makes an extraordinary contribution to the defense of their country.

"By defending Ukraine, you are also defending Britain and all of Europe. The United Kingdom will stand by you until Ukraine triumphs and a just, lasting peace is achieved," the British diplomat stated.

As Rubryka previously reported, on November 17 in the Rivne region, three female soldiers successfully completed a combat mission during a massive Russian attack. They destroyed an enemy Kh-101 cruise missile, preventing potential damage to a critical infrastructure facility. In recognition of their bravery, they were awarded by Ukraine's Defense Minister, Rustem Umerov.

In a related story, Rubryka previously covered the creation of a volunteer women's unit in the Rivne region, designed to combat fires and respond to emergencies. This initiative came as a response to local needs and demonstrates the growing role of women in such critical fields. You can read more about this formation in our article: "Women can do this job too": How Ukrainian all-women firefighting team aid their community amid war.

Additionally, Maria Lebedynska, a rescuer from Rivne, achieved multiple awards at the 2024 World Firefighter Challenge Championship, reaffirming her place among the strongest female rescuers globally.

In another inspiring achievement, a rescuer from Odessa set three records at the Odessos Cup 2024 international firefighting competition in Bulgaria.

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