Ukraine’s defense ministry authorizes Zubr armored vehicle for military use

The Ministry of Defense has officially approved the use of the "Zubr" armored vehicle by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a highly mobile and maneuverable vehicle with enhanced cross-country capabilities.

This was announced by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, as reported by Rubryka.

The "Zubr" is equipped with an advanced independent suspension system, which ensures superior off-road performance and enables it to traverse difficult terrain at considerable speeds.

"Shallow water obstacles pose no problem for this armored vehicle," the Ministry of Defense noted.

The armored design of the "Zubr" ensures reliable protection for military personnel against small arms fire and reduces the risk of injury to the driver and passengers in the event of a mine explosion or a landmine detonation.

The vehicle's engineering allows for customization for various tasks, including the installation of additional weapon systems. It can also be used to transport personnel or evacuate the wounded from the battlefield.

According to Lieutenant General Ivan Havryliuk, the First Deputy Minister of Defense, more than 900 new types of weapons and military equipment have been put into operation this year.

The government has also emphasized that Ukraine has the capacity to produce over 3 million drones of various types annually.

Weapons of Ukrainian Production

The Ministry of Defense has recently codified and approved several new types of Ukrainian-made weapons and military equipment for use by the Armed Forces. Here are some of the key additions:

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