Photo: Instagram / Libkos
Rubryka writes about this, referring to the award website.
As reported, the award ceremony took place on October 11-12 in the French city of Bayeux.
Kostiantyn Liberov was recognized as the "Photo" category winner for his series of photos titled "War in Ukraine: Pain, Despair and Hope," which received an award based on audience voting.
Photo: Instagram / Libkos
Photo: Instagram / Libkos
Photo: Instagram / Libkos
Photo: Instagram / Libkos
He also won second place in this category as chosen by the jury.
Photo: Instagram / Libkos
Photo: Instagram / Libkos
"This is a great honor and an incredible achievement – personally and for Ukrainian military photography. Thanks to this victory, we continue to fulfill our mission – to highlight the struggle of Ukraine and show the truth to the whole world," Liberov said.
For reference:
The Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award, launched in 1994 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy, recognizes the merits of war journalists in four media formats:
Previous winners have included representatives of leading media outlets such as the Associated Press, Reuters, BBC, CNN, and Le Monde.
This year's laureates were mainly correspondents with photos from Gaza.
It should be noted that Ukrainian photojournalist Yevhen Maloletka became one of the laureates of the World Press Photo 2023 award. He was recognized for a series of pictures from Mariupol surrounded by Russian occupiers.
The Pulitzer Prize, one of the most prestigious awards in journalism and literature, was also presented in the United States of America. The winners were announced at Columbia University. Mstyslav Chernov, a video journalist, Yevhen Maloletka, a photographer, and Vasylysa Stepanenko, a video producer, were honored in the "Journalism" category. They were recognized for their outstanding work with a "Public Service" award.
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