Over 56 participants from over 30 European, American, and Asian countries convened at the summit, all of whom traveled to Prague, the Czech Republic's capital.
"Rubryka is a leading media in Central and Eastern Europe specializing in solutions-oriented journalism. As a result, we had the opportunity to share our insights with our colleagues at the summit who are incorporating this approach into their work. Specifically, we discussed our methods for covering vital solutions, even in challenging circumstances of war," the editor-in-chief of Rubryka, Anastasiia Rudenko, says.
Anastasia Rudenko with Solutions Journalism Network co-founder Tina Rosenberg
The team at Rubryka stressed the significance of solutions-driven journalism during times of war and further elaborated on how this type of reporting presents an opportunity to uncover and showcase solutions that benefit society in the present moment.
It's worth noting that Rubryka is the only Ukrainian media included in the European group of editors who actively utilize solutions journalism.
As a cohort effort and in collaboration with the Romanian media Scena9, the Rubryka team investigated the environmental conditions surrounding the Danube estuary. The war had a significant impact on the region's ecosystem, prompting Rubryka to explore potential measures for preserving the distinct natural features of this area. The complete investigative report can be accessed through the following link.
One can learn more about the summit at the link: sojosummit.transitionsmedia.org.
For reference:
It should be noted that Rubryka has introduced a new format for NGOs, activists, and experts. Moving forward, Rubryka will use the newly established media hub to host events to unite and showcase joint projects, connecting like-minded individuals actively pursuing change and innovative solutions.
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