Photo: MCIP
MCIP reports this.
What is the problem?
Since the start of the all-out war, there has been a heightened concern for preserving Ukrainian cultural heritage.
As of April 2024, 1,046 cultural monuments have been damaged as a result of Russian aggression in Ukraine since February 24, 2022.
More than a hundred of them are objects of national significance.
What is the solution?
The Museum Fund Register of Ukraine is being established within the country to protect valuable artifacts from theft and damage.
This tool, funded by the state, aims to improve efficiency, transparency, and accessibility for museum and MCIP staff and anyone interested in learning about Ukraine's rich cultural heritage.
Photo: MCIP
How does it work?
"The registry has already been activated in trial mode, and museums have started to use and populate it. In technical terms, it is divided into two parts: an internal section that museums are responsible for filling out and a separate public portal for all citizens of the country. This portal is an engaging and interactive platform for exploring and promoting Ukraine's museum heritage. The museum registry is a digital stronghold and a user-friendly tool for managing and preserving Ukraine's museum collections," Anastasiia Bondar, Deputy Minister for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, stressed.
Photo: MCIP
It is worth mentioning that employees from museums and nature reserves operate the Register.
They also receive training on how to use the system and input information. Initially, the institutions designated by the Ukrainian government's December 2, 2021 resolution were included in the implementation of the register.
The Strimco company developed the register on the order of the International Solidarity Fund with the financing of the Polish government for the state of Ukraine and the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.
Currently, the MCIP is working on a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine [Ukraine's government – ed.] "On implementing an experimental project on introducing the Register of the Museum Fund of Ukraine."
The Register is planned to actively develop and expand its functions, simplify paper document flow, and integrate with the resources of other state bodies and international organizations.
For reference:
It is worth noting that Russian troops have been ruthlessly destroying Ukrainian cultural landmarks since the beginning of the war. Architectural masterpieces such as old houses, churches, and palaces have become prime targets for Russian artillery and missiles. Rubryka has compiled a list of 18 significant architectural monuments that have fallen victim to Russia's conquest or destruction. To learn more, read the article "Capture or destroy: 18 monuments of Ukrainian architecture that Russia destroyed."
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