Solutions from Ukraine: new Ukrainian online game Triumfland Saga boosts children’s mental wellness

Triumfland is a thrilling adventure for kids where they can build essential skills and become more resilient. The Triumfland Saga is tailor-made for children between the ages of 7 and 12, and is now accessible on both iOS and Android platforms.

Rubryka writes about it.

What is the problem?

UNESCO reports that 26% of Ukrainian teenagers have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, while 75% of schoolchildren have experienced stress.

54% of Ukrainian teachers are facing professional burnout. These numbers clearly show the urgency of implementing measures to support the mental well-being of all individuals involved in the Ukrainian education system.

The organization "ME & MY SCHOOL" was selected as a partner for the project, which brings together students, parents, and educational experts in Kyiv and various regions of Ukraine, particularly in the recently de-occupied territories. This enables the project to reach schools in dire need of extra assistance to promote the mental well-being of children.

What is the solution?

Triumf Health received funding from the Estonian Center for International Development (ESTDEV) for a new project to support children's mental health in Ukraine.

The project started in mid-March and will continue until the end of 2024. During this time, Triumf Health and its Ukrainian partner, the public organization "Me & MY SCHOOL," which is engaged in innovation in education, will focus on two main areas of activity:

First, creating a virtual 25-episode training course on children's mental health (in Ukrainian) for teachers and parents.

Secondly, attention will be focused on implementing the Triumfhealth Saga mobile game for Ukrainian schoolchildren aged 7 to 12 years.

Using the game's interactive features, children can explore vital aspects of their mental well-being (emotional regulation, stress management, and social skills) in a fun and engaging virtual environment.

How does it work?

As part of the project, webinars will be held in Ukrainian to introduce teachers to the 25-series training course and teach them how to use the game for their students.

In the future, questionnaires and focus groups will be conducted with the same teachers. This will help determine what steps can be taken to increase user satisfaction with the game.

Currently, 370 teachers and 3,700 children from 75 schools from 19 regions of Ukraine have joined the project, most of them from the Kharkiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, and Dnipropetrovsk regions.

The project participants were teachers, practical psychologists, class teachers, social pedagogues, tutors, deputy and deputy directors of public and private educational institutions, centers of extracurricular education, palaces of children's and youth creativity, and public organizations.

"Our main goal is to help children feel happier and healthier, and teachers to help them in this," the organizers emphasized.

By 2024, ESTDEV has already funded 20 development projects, amounting to nearly four million euros. The Triumph Health project was granted 116,790 euros and will focus on implementing Estonian best practices in developing democracy and the rule of law in Ukraine.

All participants in the pilot project "Triumf Health for Ukraine" will receive a complimentary one-year subscription to the game "Triumfland Saga."

"We sincerely invite everyone interested to get to know various characters, overcome obstacles, and embark on adventures in Triumfland Saga in 9 languages, including Ukrainian. Let's go on an adventure! Reveal your strengths, master your emotions, and increase your self-confidence through exciting challenges.

Try the game at the link. Triumfland Saga is not just a game; it is an interactive educational platform, with the help of which children can reveal their strengths, master emotions, and increase their self-confidence through exciting challenges," the organizers emphasized.

The organizers will greatly appreciate any feedback and ideas that will enhance and optimize the educational program – to be implemented in other regions.

For reference:

It's worth mentioning that Rubryka discussed with a psychologist why creating an idol out of indomitability is not advisable and how the human mind truly overcomes stress. Check out the article for more information: "Unbreakable but weary: all you need to know about stress reactions."

Furthermore, during Children's Health Month, which started on August 1, the Helsi medical system conducted a survey revealing that 32.5% of children have an increased stress level.

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