
Innovative solutions for military: Kyiv holds Defense Vision Day

Defense Vision Day was held in Kyiv. It brought together the best military projects created using virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) technologies.

This is reported by Rubryka, referring to the Ministry of Defense.

The Ministry of Defense recently announced a competition to create VR/AR complexes for training and simulations. Defense Vision Day's purpose was to find the best solutions and present them to the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, the Armed Forces, and potential investors.

Out of 55 submitted projects, 24 were selected for presentation. Among them are shooting simulators for air defense, first aid training, and drone control. Three projects—Lifesaver Lab: Lifesaver SIM, a joint project of SoftServe, UCU, and the 7th Carpathian Border Guard, and STRATA22—received grants from the co-founders of Uklon taxi service, the main partner of the event.

Photo: Ministry of Defense

The Ministry of Defense will continue working with the teams to implement their solutions.

"These projects show that you can teach and train people differently. VR simulators can do it better and at a lower price. We have to increase the number of such events so that good ideas are not hidden but are implemented and bring benefits," said Deputy Minister of Defense Kateryna Chernohorenko.

Photo: Ministry of Defense

The Defense Builder defense startup accelerator team also presented their solutions at the event. Thirteen teams demonstrated their developments to the military, investors, and event guests. Among the solutions presented were heavy and river drones, systems for searching for mines and demining, turrets, robotic platforms, platforms for topography and tracking changes on maps, and a system for calculating firing parameters for hitting targets from closed firing positions.

"The number of Defense Vision Day participants and the level of product readiness demonstrate the growth of defense technologies and the potential of VR/AR for military training in Ukraine. The teams of the first session of Defense Builder are showing significant progress, and we are happy to implement these projects together with the defense ministry and partners Sigma Software Labs, Genesis, and KSE," said Kateryna Bezsudna, co-founder and chief operating officer of Defense Builder.

Photo: Ministry of Defense

Ksenia Semenova, acting rector of the National Aviation University, added: "NAU, as the country's first defense-tech university, is interested in our engineers having access to new technical solutions based on VR/AR. NAU will also use the presented technologies to train students at the Department of Military Training. Defense Vision Day inspires and creates synergy for new collaborations."

Defense Vision Day was organized by the Ministry of Defense's digital team and the Defense Builder Accelerator, with the support of the National Aviation University.

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