Russia directs 97% of missiles, bombs, and drones at civilian objects

As part of the delegation of Ukraine to the OSCE, Danylo Kubai, the first secretary of Ukraine's permanent representation to international organizations in Vienna, during the meeting of the Security Cooperation Forum, stated that only 3% of Russian missiles, drones, and guided bombs hit military targets in Ukraine, while 97 % are directed for strikes on civilian infrastructure.

Ukrinform writes about this, Rubryka reports.

In the late 1980s, the loss of 15,000 troops in Afghanistan forced the Soviet leadership to admit defeat and withdraw Soviet troops from the country, ending the 10-year war. For comparison, the Russian armed forces lost more than 33,000 soldiers in Ukraine last June alone. "However, the Kremlin regime, which is considered the heir of the Soviet leaders, remains convinced that the war must continue," Kubai said.

He emphasized that Ukraine remains resolute in its desire to restore sovereignty and territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders.

"Unfortunately, Russia's only response to all peace initiatives is the continuation of the war," the diplomat added.

Kubai also emphasized that the methods and tools used by Russia in its aggressive war against Ukraine "resemble the darkest pages of world history, which, as the civilized world hoped, would never be repeated."

"In recent months, Russia has launched numerous strikes against Ukraine using missiles, drones, and artillery, killing dozens of civilians across the country. Massive Russian airstrikes have destroyed private and commercial buildings, hotels, schools, churches, hospitals, and numerous infrastructure facilities. It is significant that only 3% of Russian missiles, drones, and guided bombs hit military targets, while 97% hit civilian infrastructure," the Ukrainian diplomat said.

He informed foreign delegations about the latest Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities and the victims and destruction caused by them.

"We are firmly convinced that these actions of the Russian Federation will not go unpunished. This was demonstrated on June 25, 2024, when the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for the former Minister of Defense of Russia Sergei Shoigu and the current Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valerii Gerasimov as part of the investigation into the attacks of Russia against the civilian population and critical infrastructure in Ukraine," Kubai said.

As reported, the increase in attacks by the Russian military on the territory of Ukraine this spring led to significant casualties among the civilian population and significant damage to civilian infrastructure. In May, the death toll was at least 436, making it the highest in a year.

As of the morning of July 4, 2024, Russia's total combat losses since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine exceeded 547,470 soldiers.

As of now, the ratio of losses at the front is 6 Russians to 1 Ukrainian: these are the statistics on the Kharkiv and Pokrovsky directions.

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