Rubryka reports this.
What is the problem?
Individuals from Ukraine who are currently facing a full-scale invasion and ongoing threat must possess a firm grasp of fundamental tactical medical techniques. Additionally, they should be well–versed in resisting in occupied areas, caring for children during wartime, and safeguarding themselves against potentially misleading psychological operations. This knowledge must come from reliable sources.
What is the solution?
Therefore, MEGOGO has launched a section called "Civil Training," which offers free educational videos from various state, public, and private organizations such as the Security Service of Ukraine, the online educational platform Zrozomilo!, "Solomiansky Kotyk," the Victory Drones project (People's FPV), and others. This section offers over 70 hours of video and audio content.
Topics include:
Tactical medicine – the MARCH protocol (tactical first aid kit, assistance with various pathological conditions)
"Civil Training" is available on the media platform under the "MEGOGO Education" section, and all of the content is free to watch.
For reference:
It should be noted that the Kyiv City Military Administration, together with the Training Center of Tactical Medicine KoLeSo, proposed creating a pre-medical care training program for schoolchildren.
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