Solutions from Ukraine: entrepreneurs to receive grant for creating jobs for women affected by domestic violence

The city of Dobropillia, located in the Donetsk region, has announced a grant competition aimed at creating new job opportunities for women who have been affected by domestic and gender-based violence.

The "Hurt" portal reports this.

What is the solution?

According to the report, the goal of the competition is to aid businesses and generate employment opportunities for women who have experienced domestic or gender-based violence or are at risk.

The organizers noted that the total grant budget is up to UAH 120,000. It is expected that up to 5 projects from the city mentioned above can be supported within the framework of the competition.

How does it work?

It is reported that within the grant's framework, a mandatory condition is the holding of training programs for at least 14 women who have suffered from violence or are in difficult life circumstances. The aim is to master a new profession and further training at the enterprise. Some women will be employed.

Who can participate?

Businesses (companies) that are interested in promoting growth and creating new job opportunities for women who have experienced domestic or gender-based violence or are at risk.

Enterprises from the city of Dobropillia, Donetsk region, can participate in the competition.

Priority will be given to applications that show:

  • a practical plan for internships where women can acquire new skills;
  • a valid rationale for establishing one's own business that will create job opportunities for women who have experienced domestic or gender-based violence or are in vulnerable situations.

Preference will also be given to companies that support efforts to combat domestic or gender-based violence and promote sustainable development principles in the competition.

Please register via the link by June 24. Further details about the grant can be found here.

For reference:

It is worth mentioning that the third day center providing socio-psychological aid to victims of domestic and gender-based violence will be established in the Holosiiv district of Kyiv.

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