The regional municipal enterprise Mykolaivoblteploenergo has started replacing consumables at the purified water distribution points from the batch purchased by the Strengthening Urban Resilience in Ukraine project. The German Government funded the purchase of:
The supply of cartridges, membranes and other materials will ensure the operation of 80 water points in Mykolaiv throughout the year. They are available to 285.000 city residents. At present, the water points are currently treating water from the centralized water supply network and, if necessary, switching to wells.
"We are honoured to cooperate with Mykolaiv City Council and Mykolaivoblteploenergo in supplying equipment and components for water treatment systems," says Ralf Grotenhoff, project manager of construction unit of the project "Strengthening urban resilience in Ukraine". "We plan to continue cooperation in this area, as it is fully in line with our mission to strengthen the resilience of cities affected by full-scale invasion."
In April 2022, Russian troops destroyed the microfiltration and netting complexes, as well as the first lift pumping station. Because of this, the city is now taking water from other sources. The water supply network supplies salt water that is not potable. The chemical composition of this water is constantly changing, which is why the water supply and sewerage networks are being destroyed. To provide drinking water, the city has created a wide network of purified water distribution points.
The project "Strengthening Urban Resilience in Ukraine" is a part of the transitional development assistance provided by the German Government. The aim of the project, commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), is to strengthen urban resilience in the areas of supply infrastructure and housing with a particular focus on women and vulnerable groups. In addition to activities in disaster risk management, the development of concepts for sustainable urban development and digital damage analysis, the project also focuses on the restoration of supply infrastructure, housing and social infrastructure in the areas most affected by the war.
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