Ukraine Recovery Talks: An Informal Event About the Recovery Window Network and Media Support During the War

Next Monday, June 10, in Berlin, the Recovery Window network will host an informal event called Ukraine Recovery Talks. This gathering is for representatives from authorities, donors, the public sector, and the German media.

The meeting, held on the eve of the Ukraine Recovery Conference, aims to highlight the crucial role of the media in Ukraine's recovery and to introduce a new model of interaction between the media and the public sector – the Recovery Window network, supported by the British government.

The "Recovery Window" team will discuss why more than 80 media outlets, public organizations, and analytical centers in Ukraine have united, how the newly created network and the aggregator work, and why the network focuses on local media and reporting on recovery during the war.

Network partners and participants will share their experiences with solutions journalism in recovery reporting, the current state of investigative journalism, and the use of VR technologies to document destruction and reconstruction.

Public sector partners will also offer insights into how artificial intelligence can aid recovery efforts, how local initiatives can lead to large-scale changes, and the importance of supporting the recovery of Ukraine's media.

Representatives from the British Embassy in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany, the European Center for Press and Media Freedom, the German Marshall Fund, and other NGOs are invited to attend.

The experiences of the Recovery Window network partners can provide valuable lessons for civil society and media communities globally, even if they are not directly involved in Ukraine's recovery.

Event attendees will have the chance to learn more about the Recovery Window network in person and contribute to a fast recovery initiative – replacing broken windows in a Kharkiv school affected by shelling.

  • What? Ukraine Recovery Talks
  • Where? Berlin (exact location provided upon registration)
  • When? June 10, 3:30 p.m., on the eve of the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024
  • Space is limited: To participate, contact the organizers at
  • Facebook event page:

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