Rubryka writes about this.
What is the problem?
"Between 14 and 27% of Ukrainians are familiar with various family-based methods of raising children, such as guardianship, foster care, and extended foster care, as well as family-style orphanages. A slightly larger percentage, 42%, are aware of adoption. However, only a small portion, 5%, are generally knowledgeable about foster care.
Thanks to the online platform "Ukraine for Child," we hope to make a difference. Our aim is to raise awareness about how we can support children who have, for some reason, been left without parents. The more people know about this, the more opportunities children will have to experience a nurturing family environment," Iryna Tuliakova, head of the Coordination Center for the Development of Family Education and Child Care, said.
What is the solution?
This is the first step towards digitalizing the childcare and support system.
"Ukraine for Every Child" is an online platform that offers a comprehensive collection of information and resources for those interested in adoption and placing children in family environment. The site provides:
The next step is to build a comprehensive system for organizing information about children who need state support.
How does it work?
The new system will make it easier for candidates to become adoptive parents, foster parents, guardians, and foster carers. It will provide a more transparent and more straightforward process for submitting documents and undergoing training.
"People who have opened their hearts to take a child into their family and share their love with them have great courage. Our platform will support them on this journey.
For parents-to-be, this is primarily a guide to learn more about adoption, guardianship, how to become a foster family, how to adopt five or more children and become a large foster family, or how to become a patronage family.
The online platform will help potential parents become closer to the child and prepare themselves for parenthood," Minister of Social Policy Oksana Zholnovich said.
The platform will promote the realization of every child's right to grow up in a family environment and popularize family upbringing. At the same time, it will become a step-by-step roadmap for families who want to help orphans and children deprived of parental care.
"UNICEF supports at every stage the current reform of the care and support system for children, aimed at ensuring that every child can grow up in a caring family environment, fully realize their potential, and have a happy and healthy life.
The online platform is one of the important milestones and a key tool for implementing this reform, and we are glad that it is now working, contributing to the earliest possible reunification of families and children," Munir Mammadzade, head of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Office in Ukraine, said.
In addition, the platform has opened access to a new online course on adoption, "Born with the Heart," which will help users understand all aspects of this process, from legal nuances to the psychological preparation of future parents.
The course consists of four modules and includes video lectures for those who plan to adopt orphans or children deprived of parental care.
The training is provided at no cost, and upon completion, participants will gain the knowledge needed to confidently and thoughtfully decide whether to adopt a child. This online course is meant to supplement, not replace, the mandatory training that all candidates must complete as required by law.
For reference:
The single-state online platform "Ukraine for Every Child" and the online course "Born from the Heart" were created within the framework of the reform of the system of care and support for children with the financial assistance of the European Union and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Office in Ukraine.
The platform owner is solely responsible for its content, which does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union and/or UNICEF.
The reform is a strategic national priority of the country and one of the necessary steps towards European integration. Implementing the reform will create a system of support for children and families with children in Ukraine, which ensures the realization of every child's right to grow up in a family environment.
To accomplish this, it is essential to provide access to a range of integrated services, such as education, healthcare, social support, and rehabilitation, for children and families in their local communities. Additionally, promoting alternative family forms of upbringing and adoption should be prioritized.
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