What is the problem?
The decentralization reform places responsibility for implementing youth policy at the community level.
They are now responsible for organizing youth work with all the relevant services and infrastructure.
What is the problem?
"The leaders of the Lviv Oblast Youth Center and the Teplytsia Initiative Platform have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. The document defines the main areas of partnership for 2024 in the project "Expanding psychosocial support, life skills training and youth empowerment programs through UPSHIFT and strengthening youth centers in three regions" implemented by the NGO "PI "Teplytsia" with the financial support of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)," the press release says.
How does it work?
The memorandum provides for support for four newly established youth centers in the Lviv region to purchase modern equipment and furniture for their work, renovate the premises of these youth centers, and provide them with financial support to ensure sustainable operations.
Окрім того, також нададуть грантову підтримку 12 молодіжним центрам, які вдалося створити на території регіону в рамках співпраці торік, таким чином забезпечивши їхню якісну та ефективну роботу з молоддю.
In addition, grant support will be provided to 12 youth centers that were established in the region last year as part of the cooperation, thus ensuring their high-quality and effective work with young people.
Funds will be allocated for the repair of sanitary facilities in eight youth centers.
As part of the agreement, it is planned to organize and conduct joint exercises, training sessions, strategic sessions for teams of local youth centers participating in the project.
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