Працівники ДСНС дістають уламки авіабомби після удару рф. Фото: ДСНС України
Enemy troops dropped a heavy volumetric detonating aircraft bomb (ODAB-1500) on the town of Velyka Pysarivka, the Sumy region.
Julian Röpke, BILD's open data analysis expert, showed a 1 km high cloud of smoke in the sky after the bomb's hit.
The bomb is a thermobaric projectile from the Soviet era that releases a flammable liquid in the form of an aerosol about 10 meters before hitting the target and sets it on fire.
"This is called a volumetric explosion. Such a munition has a greater destructive power than the classic one. Previously, the Russian forces used ODABs, of the smallest weight: from 170 to 500 kg."
Röpke called the use of a 1.5-ton bomb in a populated area "a new bottom in Russia's war against Ukrainian cities."
On March 27, Russian troops attacked Kharkiv with a guided bomb that has not been used in the two years since the invasion's start.
The Kharkiv Regional Military Command reported a 30-cm caliber munition can fly up to 90 km.
The attack damaged 14 high-rise buildings and an educational institution, causing a casualty and wounding at least 18, including a child.
Natalia Humeniuk, a military spokesperson said that Russian forces are actively modernizing the aircraft bombs to attack Ukrainian regions, but it does not use them on all frontlines.
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