United to win: US Embassy donates six armored cars to frontline region prosecutors

The Embassy of the United States provided the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine with six armored vehicles that will help protect the lives of prosecutors while working in the frontline regions.

The Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Andriy Kostin, wrote about this on the X social network.

What is the problem?

The areas on the frontlines face ongoing danger from heavy bombardment, infiltration by enemy groups conducting subversive and surveillance activities, and the looming threat of attack. Despite these challenges, life continues in these regions, and the government strives to provide the utmost accessible services.

Prosecutors of cities near the front line continue to work, and the intensity of their work increases, as does the level of potential threats.

What is the solution?

Therefore, Ukraine's foreign partners decided to support them. The General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine received six armored vehicles from the US Embassy.

These cars will help protect the lives of prosecutors while working in the frontline regions.

How does it work?

"We greatly appreciate the donation of 6 armored vehicles, which will help protect the lives of prosecutors working in frontline regions. Our robust cooperation with INL [the department of technical assistance to Ukrainian law enforcement agencies of the US Embassy – ed.] has become the solid foundation for the development of Ukraine's General Prosecutor's Office institutional capacity, particularly in investigating Russian War Crimes, ensuring support for victims and witnesses and streamlining the digital transformation of 🇺🇦 prosecution and law enforcement systems," Kostin said.

He expressed his deep gratitude to the head of the department, Joshua Temblador, for his versatile technical assistance and strategic advice.

Photo: X social networks / Andriy Kostin

Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin, during a meeting on March 18 in Kyiv with colleagues from the US Department of Justice Nathan Brooks and Tim Rank, as well as with the legal adviser of the US Embassy in Ukraine Jared Kimball, and the FBI legal attaché Chris Geiger, discussed strategies for investigating Russian cybercrimes, committed against the Ukrainian state and partner countries.

For reference:

On February 23, an international conference was held on the topic "Response to crimes under international law: bringing war criminals to justice."

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