Фото: Vidnova Fellowship Ukraine
Human rights defenders will receive monthly payment worth $500 to set up a workshop or learn new skills.
What is the problem?
Until the start of the full-scale war, many human rights defenders were creating added value in Ukraine's civil society, culture, and responsible business.
However, after the war, they were forced to leave to Europe, but most of them plan to come back.
What is the solution?
To help these people resume their activities at their previous locations or create something new, Vidnova Ukraine offers a mentoring program, and scholarships for them.
How does it work?
The organization offers $500 in financial support monthly, $300 for workshop rental, mentoring or training, networking with Ukrainian and European organizations.
This is an opportunity for human rights defenders and activists who have been working in the civic, educational or cultural sector for more than two years; have recently returned from forced emigration or plan to return in the near future; work with the LGBTQIA+ community, commemorative practices, minority rights, and combating discrimination against Roma.
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