
Ukraine launches free language courses for soldiers

Taras Kremin, the Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language, together with the language-related project "Yedyny" (United), launched the first Ukrainian courses for improving the state language for military personnel.

What is the problem?

At the end of January, Ombudsman Taras Kremin met with officers of the 150th Training Centre of the Terrorist Defence Command to discuss the importance of using the state language.

Kremin receives complaints from soldiers about non-compliance with the language law both in Kyiv and in many regions of southern and eastern Ukraine. The Ombudsman stressed that he would be happy to assist in the creation of such a network in other military formations as well.

Photo: Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language

What is the solution?

The first Ukrainian practical lesson was held at the training center on the day of the International Mother Tongue.

Photo: Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language

How does it work?

Taras Kremin said the emergence of such courses is real thanks to all servicemen who, by improving their language skills, demonstrate a responsible attitude to the foundations of national identity.

"I believe that similar initiatives will be implemented in all parts of the country, because the development of a network of such language courses, the strict use of Ukrainian in all spheres of public life, and a personal example of respect for the foundations of national security and defence are the key to our confident march to victory."

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