Solutions to win: Ukraine develops new robot platform for evacuation of wounded soldiers

Ukrainian inventors from the Brave1 cluster have developed a remote-controlled evacuation platform called FoxTac, which can transport injured soldiers from the battlefield. 

The transporter has successfully passed preliminary tests and is in the codification stage, Rubryka reports, citing Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov.

What's the problem?

The most challenging task for Ukrainian forces is evacuating from the battlefield. The wounded are evacuated by paramedics from the medical units and soldiers assigned by the commanders of units and divisions.

However, they are also at risk, saving their comrades-in-arms and may be killed, as the Russian army constantly shells the area of ​​active hostilities.

What's the solution?

The participants of the Brave1 cluster have developed a remote-controlled transporter for evacuating the wounded from the battlefield.

Photo: Telegram / FEDOROV

Digital Minister Mykhailo Fedorov explained that this system is all-wheel drive and can travel on wheels and tracks. The platform is protected from dirt and easily moves off-road. 

How does it work?

According to Fedorov, the operator can control this robot from a distance of 700 meters from where the injured person lies.

"That is, the operator is safe, and this is an opportunity to save their life and save the wounded. Experimental models of FoxTac have successfully passed preliminary tests. The codification procedure is currently underway, allowing the platform to be supplied to the military," Fedorov said.


Brave1 is an intersectoral project aimed at stimulating and supporting the development of defense tech companies.

The project, promoting the development of defense technologies, was founded by Ukraine's Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Digital Transformation, Ministry of Strategic Industries, the General Staff of the Armed Forces, and the National Security and Defense Council.

"Join Brave1 with your developments and strengthen the military. The cluster supports developers at all stages — from organizing tests and applying for a grant to assistance with codification according to NATO standards. Technology development is our key advantage in this war and a way to save defenders' lives," said the digital minister.

Ukrainian developers from the Brave1 cluster are creating innovative technology for demining territories using artificial intelligence.

Participants of the defense cluster Brave1 have also created the versatile robot D-21-11, equipped with an automatic turret and capable of performing combat missions.

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