The Deputy Prime Minister for Innovations, Development of Education, Science and Technologies – Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov reported this on Telegram.
What is the problem?
Ukraine continues to work on the improvement and development of drones, which effectively help fight against the Russian invaders.
Brave1 cluster creates technologies for victory and supports developers at every stage, from testing and applying for funding to coding according to NATO standards.
What is the solution?
Developers from SkyLab UA created the Shoolika mk6 strategic strike drone. The drone can deliver precision strikes and is particularly effective in night operations — it has top-of-the-line night vision systems.
How does it work?
The operating range is up to 10 km, the drone can carry a load of up to 6 kg, has a high-precision control system, and the Shoolika mk6 is also resistant to EW.
Defense forces have already tested the Shoolika mk6 and given their feedback: the drone is essential for tactical operations, especially at night.
The drone is in the process of being codified by NATO. The plan is to improve the AI system for autonomous missions and cameras to seek targets better and change course to correct air strikes.
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