Beauty giant Avon keeps operating in Russia despite war – BBC

Avon Products Inc., a cosmetics company with operations in more than 140 countries, has been criticized for continuing to do business in Russia.

At the beginning of Russia's full-scale war, Avon announced that it was suspending investments and suspending the export of its cosmetics from Russia to other markets, including Ukraine.

The company said it provides "critical support" to women whose livelihoods depend on their businesses.

BBC journalists found that the firm is still recruiting new sales agents in Russia and continues production at a large factory in the Moscow region.

Steven Tian, a member of the Yale University group that monitors companies' responses to Russia's war against Ukraine, said Avon should be ashamed of itself for continuing to do business in Russia.

"There is no justification for continuing to finance Putin's war machine…and there has been more than enough time for companies to exit the market in an orderly fashion." 

Mark Dixon, founder of the Moral Rating Agency, which campaigns against companies doing business in Russia, accused Avon of "moral laundering" for continuing operations in Russia.

After Russia's full-scale war, the annual list of the 50 largest companies in the Russian market was updated by almost half – 22 positions.

Ukraine's Anti-Corruption Agency previously added the American multinational fast food franchise Subway to the list of international sponsors of war.

It also added Metro Cash & Carry to the list of international sponsors of war due to the decision of the company's management to continue its activities in Russia.

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