Solutions from Ukraine: Yakaboo launches electronic library for Ukrainian military in war zones

For the military on the front lines, the book platform Yakaboo has created a free electronic library, which can be accessed using promotional codes.

MediaSapiens report this.

What is the problem?

Everyone knows that reading leads to personal growth and a broader worldview.

"Si vis pacem, para bellum" – these winged words of the Roman writer Flavius Vegetius are translated into a simple formula: "If you want peace, prepare for war."

That's if it's very short. What did Vegetius actually bequeath?

For those who aim to achieve victory, it is crucial to fully cultivate their warrior skills and fight with strategic knowledge and expertise rather than relying on luck. These words emphasize that simply having a physical advantage is not sufficient for success; becoming a true winner requires continuous intellectual training, which is only possible through reading various literature.

And the more books a soldier has in a shoulder bag, the better.

What is the solution?

The book platform Yakaboo has created an electronic library for the military on the front lines, which can be accessed using promotional codes.

How does it work?

In 2014, Yakaboo initiated a campaign to deliver paper books to military units upon request by soldiers.

A similar project was launched a year ago by the "Cultural Airborne Troops" NGO, having already handed over 25,000 books to the front. However, it is not always possible to receive and store paper publications at the front.

That's why Yakaboo created the "Library for Heroes" — an electronic shelf for the military in the mobile application.

It contains 473 books – both fiction and non-fiction.

Yakaboo and the NGO "Cultural Airborne" give the military 10,000 promotional codes for free access to e-books.

Some promotional codes are printed on branded cards and distributed at the concerts of "Cultural Airborne Troops" directly along the front line and in rehabilitation and training centers.

Also, service members and employees of government agencies performing tasks in the combat zone can receive a promotional code by contacting the Telegram bot @Book4Front_bot.

In addition to Yakaboo, seven other Ukrainian publishing houses also provided free access to their electronic content:

  • Anetta Antonenko,
  • Discourses, Publishing House 21,
  • Meridian Czernowitz,
  • "Black Sheep",
  • "Nika Center",
  • Publishing House of Lviv Media Forum.

For reference:

Rubryka previously reported that the Ministry of Culture and the non-governmental organization "Cultural Airborne Troops" presented the joint initiative "Books for the Front."

It was also reported that the "Books to the Front" project was presented in Kyiv, which provides for collecting and transferring books for Ukrainian defenders.

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy called on Ukrainians to join the "Book to the Front" campaign.

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