Фото: Скриншот із відео ДПСУ.
What is the solution?
Hospitainer donated a mobile field hospital to the Ukrainian border guards to save the lives of wounded troops in hotspots
"Soon, military medics will be saving the lives of wounded soldiers in the east in this hospital."
How does it work?
The main feature of the hospital is its low-temperature capability.
It's a key element in providing assistance to victims of hostilities. Its tasks are to identify, stabilize and, if necessary, operate on victims before they are taken to a hospital.
Role II mobile hospitals have been transferred to Ukraine.
This type of hospital includes tents, containers, or usually both; an outpatient department, several wards, including isolation and intensive care units, an operating room, including pre- and post-operative areas, etc.
Earlier this summer, Ukrainian border guards received a mobile hospital from the Netherlands.
The UK donated a bus to Ukraine that was converted into a mobile hospital for the military.
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