Putin issues order to grant citizenship to deported Ukrainian children

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an issue ordering abducted Ukrainian children to obtain Russian citizenship forcibly.

The Ombudsman's Office believes citizenship will be granted so young Ukrainians "do not legally remain in Russia," says Commissioner for Children's Rights Dmytro Lubinets.

Putin had signed Decree No. 11 "On the definition of certain categories of foreign citizens and stateless persons who have the right to apply for Russian citizenship".

It states that Ukrainian orphans and children deprived of parental care can be granted Russian citizenship by Putin's personal decision, despite all or some requirements of federal law.

The Ombudsman reports that applications for Russian citizenship can be submitted by the heads of state's organizations which supervise the children.

The form does not include information about the applicant's place of residence and contact details, but only the address and contacts of his workplace, which may disappear at any time.

I believe that the granting of Russian citizenship to children is done so that they could say "there are no Ukrainian children [whom they must return home] in our territory.

Russians can apply for citizenship for abducted Ukrainian children who are in institutions or under the care of local families. Putin will grant such applications without any requirements.

Лубінець каже, що надалі це дозволить усиновлювати дітей вже як росіян та змінювати їхні персональні дані.

We understand the terrible consequences of such actions, because the next step after they receive Russian "citizenship" will be the adoption of children by Russians, and after that — the change of their personal data.

The Ombudsman assured that he would take all necessary measures to respond both domestically and internationally.

He called the transfer of children from one ethnic group to another one of the signs of genocide.

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