Ukrainian media implements higher quotas for state language usage

Starting on January 1, 2024, selected measures from the Law "On Media" have gone into effect, requiring more programs in the national language to be broadcast on television and radio.

Taras Kremin, the Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language, announced this.

What is the problem?

From February 24, 2022, when the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine took place, the Ukrainian language ceased to be only a means of communication.

However, some officials and organizations to whom comments are made about the improper implementation of the law on the language are offended or even taken to court.

"War! It's out of the question. First of all, people must be saved," they say.

Kremin is convinced that saving people and language from invaders is necessary. It is not for nothing that the occupiers, seizing our territories, first destroy everything Ukrainian. Ukrainians are tortured for their language; they are killed for their language.

"We stand by the fact that it is necessary to protect the right of citizens to receive information in the state language. And in conditions of war, to ensure their right to receive information in a timely and efficient manner in the language that is one of the elements of the constitutional order," he notes.

According to the commissioner, "gentle Ukrainization" will never end. The nature, character, and mentality of Ukrainians explain this.

What is the solution?

On December 29, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed the law on media, which is an essential next step to Ukraine's accession to the European Union.

An essential provision of the draft law was the increase of the minimum Ukrainian-language quota on television — up to 90% for national channels and up to 80% for local channels.

It is crucial that only programs and films in true Ukrainian language are recognized as such, rather than bilingual ones, as it currently stands.

How does it work?

In accordance with the provisions of parts 1-4 of Article 40 of the law, the minimum share of Ukrainian-language programs on radio and television media of national and regional categories is increased from 75 to 90%, and in television media of the local category – from 60 to 80%:

  • Programs in the state language, in particular films, in the total weekly broadcast volume of national and regional TV channels between 07:00 and 18:00 and between 18:00 and 22:00 should make up at least 90%, and for local category TV channels – at least 80% % of the total duration of programs (or their parts).
  • Radio broadcasters are also required to broadcast in the state language — at least 90% of the weekly programming volume. This applies, in particular, to news and analytical blocks and entertainment programs (with presenters and announcers of radio programs).
  • The weekly volume of news programs in the state language of a television or radio broadcaster that is a licensee or registrant shall be at least 90% of the total duration of all news programs broadcast in each time slot 07:00-18:00 and 18:00-22:00.

"Such innovations are an important step in protecting the Ukrainian-language information space and the rights of citizens to receive information in the state language," Kremin believes.

For reference:

Rubryka would like to remind you that from now on, you can learn about the history of the Russification of our language and culture in the Linguocide application, which Ukrainian developers created.

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