Over 400 Ukrainian athletes have died in Russia’s war against Ukraine – National Olympic Committee

As a result of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, more than 400 Ukrainian athletes have lost their lives. 

President of the National Olympic Committee (NOC), Vadym Hutsait, shared this information during a national telethon, Rubryka reports.

"We hear a lot from their [Russia's] side now, saying they won't participate [in the Olympics] without their flag, that they won't take part, that it's unfair to them. But what about fairness towards us when there's a full-scale war? Honestly, when more than 400 of our athletes have already lost their lives, and we've lost about 500 sports facilities partially or completely. We are losing people… Is that fair to us?" said the head of the NOC.

Hutsait mentioned that in the past, around 300-350 Russian athletes used to participate in the Olympic Games. If they are allowed to participate now under a neutral flag, their number will be significantly reduced to 50-80 individuals, said the President of the National Olympic Committee.

The decision on whether Ukrainian athletes will participate in the Paris Olympics is currently pending. In turn, the head of the NOC believes it is important for Ukrainian athletes to be represented at the Olympics.

Here's what we know about Russia's participation in 2024 Olympic Games

Since the beginning of December, the Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has officially allowed athletes from Russia and Belarus to compete in Paris in the summer of 2024. These athletes must adhere to neutrality criteria and compete without the national symbols of the two countries.

The decision of the IOC Executive Committee to admit Russians and Belarusians to compete in the 2024 Olympics in a neutral status is irresponsible, said the Acting Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine Matvii Bidnyi.

"Just days ago, the President of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, announced that the relevant decision by the IOC would be made only in March of next year," said the statement.

Bidnyi stated that Ukraine has explained to international partners and the Olympic Committee that Russian athletes have the same passports as the occupiers who are killing Ukrainians. This means they bear responsibility for the deaths of Ukrainians.

In turn, the leadership of the IOC is not afraid of a possible boycott by Ukraine. According to Bach, such a decision would serve as a "punishment for their own athletes" before the major competitions of the Olympic cycle.

"Why does Ukraine have to punish its own athletes for the invasion of the Russian army and deprive them of their own Olympic dream?" he was cited by DPA.

"You don't become a supporter of war just because you don't comply with every demand of Ukraine. Especially when we supported Ukrainian athletes with unprecedented solidarity from the beginning of the war," said the IOC. 

At the same time, the possibility of a boycott has not been ruled out in Russia, and relevant comments were made by President Vladimir Putin in December. Bach explained criticism from both sides by the "good balance" of his organization.

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