The EU Delegation to Ukraine reported that.
What is the problem?
The EU delegation emphasized that Russia's long-term brutal attacks have made the Ukrainian energy infrastructure fragile. Despite the efforts of local authorities, it is impossible to restore all the destroyed networks within a year.
What is the solution?
In total, Ukraine received 500 generators from the EU. Their financial value is 16.5 million euros.
EU Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič said in this regard: "Last year, we witnessed the attempt of the Russian Federation to bomb Ukraine in a period of cold and darkness. They did not succeed then, and they will not succeed now. The resilience of Ukraine in this senseless war is unparalleled, but Ukrainians are not alone in this fight. The EU is working side-by-side with the Ukrainian authorities to send the most needed emergency supplies to the country from the first day. We are now mobilizing an additional 500 generators from our rescEU energy stocks to support Ukraine's energy system in severe winter months".
How does it work?
The generators will be handed over to various Ukrainian ministries. The aim is to ensure an adequate electricity supply during the cold and dark months and keep vital services such as hospitals, sewage treatment plants, and heating plants running.
For example, 40 out of 500 generators are provided for schools.
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