Fragments from the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) struck a multi-story building in the Solomianskyi district, as reported by Kyiv City Military Administration and Mayor Vitalii Klychko.
The debris hit a 26-story building in the Solomianskyi district. According to Ukraine's State Emergency Service, a fire erupted on the 24th floor but was extinguished before the arrival of firefighting units. Partially collapsed walls and shattered windows were reported in three apartments on the 24th to 26th floors.
Two people sustained injuries with soft tissue bruising and cuts. One of them has been hospitalized.
Later, the Kyiv City Military Administration announced the successful elimination of the fire in the Solomianskyi district high-rise.
Andrii Kovalsky, the host of the "Unified News" telethon, revealed on his Facebook page that his residence suffered damage during the nighttime attack.
"Friends, thanks to everyone for the support. Everyone is safe, and that's good," said Kovalskyi.
Meanwhile, Kovalskyi's acquaintances and friends are expressing support on his page and initiating fundraisers to assist his family.
Fragments also hit a multi-story building in the Holosiivskyi district and a private house in Darnytskyi district, fortunately causing no injuries.
The State Emergency Service reported a fire on the second floor of an unfinished two-story private building in Darnytskyi due to falling debris.
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