Kyiv region presents interactive chat bot to find nearest shelters

The Kyiv authorities have launched a chatbot called "Safe Kyiv region," which brings together all the region's shelters on one platform, the press service.

What is the problem?

Starting in early summer, a large-scale inspection of bomb shelters nationwide was conducted, which showed disappointing results. President Volodymyr Zelensky ordered increased criminal liability for improper maintenance of shelters and failure to provide access to them.

The reason for the inspections was the tragedy that occurred during the shelling of Kyiv on June 1, when three people, including a child, died after being unable to get into a shelter as it was closed. Since then, hundreds of shelters have been repaired, equipped, or built.

What is the solution?

"Now, it only takes a few clicks to quickly find the nearest shelter or, if necessary, a point with guaranteed communication, electricity and heat during an air raid," said Ruslan Kravchenko, head of the military administration.

How does it work?

Authorities say the chatbot's functionality allows users to choose where to hide or where to recharge phones by geolocation or manually.

Photo: Screenshot

The bot will also show all the nearest points and shelters and the distance to them.

They can be searched by locality: to filter the entire list, one needs to enter the desired location's address or name. Kravchenko said that each security point has a link to a map where one can plot a route to the selected location.

There is information on the availability of a generator, chargers, first aid kits, and Internet access. If the protective structure or "point of indestructibility" is accessible to people with disabilities, this will also be noted.

The chatbot operates in Ukrainian and English and lists shelters set up by communities or the State Emergency Service and those by responsible businesses.

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