What is the problem?
A sight is a special device for aiming a firearm at a target. With the development of the arms industry, sights have evolved and changed.
Today, there are many types of sights that Ukrainian troops require. After all, high-quality, modernized sights help Ukrainian infantry successfully destroy enemy targets without putting the military in danger.
What is the solution?
With the joint efforts of the Come Back Alive and Ukrainer, called "On aim," 60 sights for American Mk 19 easel grenade launchers have already been purchased and are now operating at the front.
How does it work?
The sights for the 40-mm automatic grenade launchers allow firing from a closed position. The cost of the devices already delivered amounted to $13 million.
To implement this project, the Come Back Alive instructor department designed this device based on the principle of artillery.
The sight helps to hit the target without additional shooting, and to fire from safer closed firing positions.
The standard sight for the Mk 19 allowed for direct fire only, which significantly narrowed the potential of the grenade launcher and exposed its operators to additional danger.
The fund plans to provide 11 brigades and units with these special sights. The first batch of 35 such devices was delivered to air assault and separate mechanized brigades in October.
The sights can also be mounted on Ukrainian 40-mm automatic grenade launchers UAG-40, a hundred of which are planned to be purchased by the Come Back Alive project as part of the "Eye for an Eye 2" project.
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