Bild reported that.
In total, Ukraine received 24 Polish mortars.
Rak 120-mm mortars are mounted on an armored wheeled platform. They can conduct flanking fires from a distance of up to 12 km.
"Mortars will help save the lives of Ukrainian mortarmen, as they will be able to fire while being under the protection of steel armor," the message reads.
At the same time, it is emphasized that after firing, a self-propelled mortar can quickly leave its position and move to a safe distance.
Anti-drone protection in the form of an iron mesh above the tower has already been installed on the machines that arrived in Ukraine.
For reference:
Rak self-propelled mortars are a variant of the SMG 120 "Rak" self-propelled mortar on the tracked chassis of the German Marder armored personnel carrier. In September 2021, the Polish engineering company Huta Stalowa Wola presented a new version of the M120G Rak, a self-propelled 120 mm tracked mortar.
Rak self-propelled mortars / Photo: Wikipedia
Tactical and technical characteristics:
Poland began to actively help Ukraine from the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation. Such support included both arms and humanitarian issues, as well as political ones.
Yes, Poland accepted more than a million refugees from Ukraine. Warsaw also leads calls to NATO partners to send Ukraine more aid with weapons.
As reported, Poland and the new Polish government will require the whole world to mobilize efforts to help Ukraine.
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