The voting took place on Wednesday, Rubryka reports, citing Reuters.
"This bill will provide America with the ability to maintain its position against Russia, resiliently counter the Communist Party of China, and ensure that the US Army remains the most advanced in the world," said Senate Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Wednesday.
This year's NDAA spans about 3,100 pages and allows for the allocation of a record $886 billion, which is 3% more than the previous year.
The bill includes provisions for allocating $300 million as part of the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative.
This amount is meager compared to the $61 billion aid package for Ukraine included in President Biden's additional funding proposal, the publication notes.
As reported by Rubryka, Democrats and Republicans in the US Congress continue negotiations on immigration reform.
However, House Speaker and Republican Mike Johnson did not support the proposal to extend the working week of both chambers of the United States Congress for an additional week to approve funding for Ukraine before Christmas. The White House believes that when there is important work, Republicans should not return home for the holidays.
The funds designated for military aid to Ukraine are running out. US President Joe Biden has requested over $100 billion from Congress, including over $60 billion for Ukraine.
There are disagreements in Congress regarding this package, as Republicans insist on adding proposals to enhance border security, especially with Mexico.
US President Joe Biden referred to the possibility of halting military aid to Ukraine as "insanity."
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