80% of Finns believe Russia will lose the war – survey

The overwhelming majority of Finnish citizens believe that Russia should lose its war and withdraw its troops from Ukraine: 57% of respondents strongly agree with this statement, while another 28% rather agree.

This survey was conducted by the Finnish Business and Policy Forum (EVA).

According to Finnish sociologists, almost the same number of Finns (56% and 28%) believe that Ukraine should return the territories that Russia occupied after its full-scale war in February 2022.

When asked whether Crimea should also be returned, 38% strongly agreed in response and 42% mostly agreed.

Overall, more than 80% also agree that Russia should pay compensation for the reconstruction.

63% of Finnish citizens believe that it is necessary, and more than a quarter (27%) rather agree, that those responsible for war crimes in Ukraine should be brought to justice.

A majority of respondents (55%) also believe that Ukraine would be a good candidate for NATO membership in the future, with only 15% of Finns opposed.

The EVA poll, which was conducted from 15 to 27 September, is based on responses from 2,045 respondents aged 18-79. The margin of error at the population level is 2-3 percentage points in each direction.

Finnish President Sauli Niinistö recently approved the government's proposal to provide Ukraine with a new military aid package worth approximately €100 million.

On the night of 18 November, the Finnish authorities decided to close four of the eight border crossings with Russia due to a sharp increase in migration: the restrictions will be in effect until 18 February 2024 and may be extended if necessary.

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